Here is the entire science report.

Research Question

How can quantum computers be most effectively utilized to better reduce and prevent the effects of climate change?

Background Research

Quantum computers are a type of computer that uses quantum physics in order to collect and experiment using data that is inputted. Quantum computers store memories using a "qubit" or a quantum bit. These qubits can be used to represent different aspects that function at the same time.

Only once quantum supremacy is reached will a quantum computer display its full potential. This signifies that a quantum computer is able to outperform our current computers. In October of 2019, Google announced that they had achieved quantum supremacy.

Compared to a classical computer, quantum computers have the potential to revolutionize the way in which we solve complex problems. This project will discuss the applications of quantum computers in the race to end climate change.


The purpose of this project is to research the various ways in which quantum computers can be used to prevent climate change. In particular, this study will focus on the ways in which quantum computers can better assess complex climate problems and discuss solutions.


If quantum computers reach a state of supremacy, it may be able to simulate complex reactions between the CO2 emissions and the atmosphere at a faster and cheaper rate. This is based on the idea that quantum computers can utilize qubits as individual components of a chemical reaction, which would create a more accurate depiction of the relationship between CO2 and Earth's atmosphere. This would be the most effective solution as it would provide scientists with an accurate idea of how much damage CO2 emissions have caused.


  1. Collect data on the current amount of CO2 emissions.
  2. Research into the various solutions that are being implemented to reduce emissions.